Reno, NV. Renown, formerly Washoe Medical has undergone a major two and a half year reconstruction process.
Renown Health is a not-for-profit Nevada health network and a nationally recognized healthcare leader.
Renown Health is northern Nevada's largest healthcare network and includes four hospitals, eight Medical Groups, eight locations for X-Ray and Imaging, and much more.
Standing in the aquariums core is a photograph of the Genesis Systems built artificial and live reef owned by Tim & Tracy in the Arrow Creek sub-division, Reno, NV. I look forward to stocking and maintaining this aquarium soon.
What parts are artificial and what parts are live?
If you click on this link Jeffry you can see Tim & Tracy's aquarium a bit larger and can see the details a little better.
This photo was taken a bit early in the stocking of the aquarium, but you can see the live rock around the base of the artificial structure.
The aquarium now has these corals:
Bubble Coral, Green
Cup Coral, Yellow Scroll
Plate Coral, Purple
Leprechaun, Green Yongei, SSS
Acropora, Green Slimmer, SSS
Cauliflower, Pink, SSS
Brain, Green
Brain, Red Round
Acropora, Purple
Acropora, Green
Toadstool, Green
Sun Polyp Corals
Xenia, Pom Pom
Mushroom, Finger Leather
Leather, Yellow Finger
Bubble Coral, Pink
Montipora Capricornis, SSS
Acropora, Aquaculured, Pink
Cup Coral, Yellow
Torch Coral
Acropora, Green Yongei, SSS
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